Monday, February 22, 2010

Web 1.0 vs. Web 2.0

In chapter 3 of Citizen Marketers: When People Are the Message authors, Ben McConnell and Jackie Huba, discuss the changes in web communication and the development of Web 2.0. The chapter titled “The Democratization of Everything” appropriately addresses the need for democracy in order for social media to thrive.

Back in the day, organizations communicated with consumers through one-way communication. Typically, big business and large corporations broadcasted messages to consumers and consumers were left to accept the messages. When the Internet was originally created, this was the sort of marketing and consumer strategy that was still in place. During the 1990’s many large corporations attempted to create websites to harness more power over consumers. When discussing Time Warner Cable’s efforts to produce a website in 2004, writer Kara Swisher says, “like all traditional media companies, it talked while consumers were supposed to listen” (52). This sort of communication greatly separated the business and consumer, leaving the consumer in a vulnerable position.

However, around 2004, the Internet began to change into what we now call ‘Web 2.0’. Web 2.0 marked the beginning of consumer power against big business communication. McConnell and Huba define Web 2.0 as “creating collaborative Web experiences when information is shared multilaterally” (57). The new Web 2.0 attracted consumers to the Internet in ways that they never had been before. Websites like opened doors for consumers to use the Internet to their advantage.

According to McConnell and Huba, “Web 1.0 was primarily one-way communication between Web-site owner and visitor, then Web 2.0 is multiple-way communication between Web-site owner and visitor, and visitors with other visitors” (57).

In the years to follow, people began to see a rise of blogs, personal videos, and self-expression through the use of the Internet. When looking at the resources available to consumers today, it is difficult to imagine a time with such restricted power on consumer communication. However, the authors point out that social media is a field that still requires additional study and understanding. The inspiring part is that there is still so much to learn and discover in social media. The potential alone is enough to inspire fresh new bloggers and podcasters each day.

How do you feel about the changes that have been made over the past 20 years in consumer communication and social media? Considering how far the field has come over such a short period of time, where do you see social media in the next 10 years? 20?

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